Earn conquest points by winning ranked arena matches and rated battlegrounds. Your first random daily battleground win also earns 25 conquest points. Your hard cap for conquest points is either your arena or battleground cap, whichever is higher.
Raise your cap from arena by winning arena matches to increase your arena ranking. You start the season with a 1,500 ranking. At a ranking of 1,500 and below, the cap is 1,350 conquest points from arenas per week. The maximum possible cap is 2,700 at an arena rating of 3,000 or above.Your cap will always be your highest arena ranking, so that if you are at 1,500 in 3s and 1,700 in 5s, your ranking would be 1,700 for purposes of the cap.
Increase your battleground cap by winning rated battlegrounds to increase your battleground ranking. You can earn conquest points in your first random daily battleground win or in rated battlegrounds, but only the rated battlegrounds affect your ranking.
Trade valor points for conquest points. You maximize your conquest points for the week, then buy gear with your conquest points, and then trade valor points for conquest points up to your weekly cap.