Complete the Prologue, Chapter One and Chapter Two quest chains.
Talk to Renn or Zio, depending on your selection of good or evil in Chapter Two, and get the Mobius quest chain.
Complete the six quests in the quest chain and return to Renn or Zio.
Walk through the gates and wait for the cutscene to end.
Complete the five quests you receive from the Faeries.
Travel to the Ruins of Cornelius. Talk to Anise, get the six quests, complete them and return to Anise.
Click the "Renn and Zio" button.
Talk to Renn or Zio, receive the second quest chain for Mobius and complete the four quests.
Complete the quests in the Tower of Relativity and click the "Renn and Zio" button.
Ask Renn or Zio for a quest to receive the Hydra quest.