Click "Start," then "Run."
Type "Regedit" at the command prompt then click "OK." This will open the registry editor.
Click "Hkey_Local_Machine," then "System" and "CurrentControlSet." Then click "Services," "TCPIP," "Parameters" and, finally, "Interfaces."
Set "TcpAckFrequency Hex" to 1.
Set "TCPNoDelay Hex" to 1. Reboot your computer.
Click "Start," then "Control Panel." Select "Uninstall Programs."
Click "Turn Features On/Off." Place a check next to "MSMQ Server."
Restart your computer.
Open Regedit again and then open "Local Machines." Select "Software," "Microsoft," "MSMQ" and, finally, "Parameters."
Set "TCPNoDelay Hex" to 1 and restart your computer. Your latency will now appear to be a fraction of what it was before.