Gain more friends to get promoted to rank 3 on The Sims. Each level requires you to earn as more friends. Occasionally, co-workers will come home with you. Befriending them can not only lead to meeting the friend requirement, but give you added bonuses at work.
Work on your Sim's skills. Skills such as cooking, handiness and charisma are needed to advance to rank 3. The skills you are required to earn are based on your career path. For example, rank 3 in the military track requires you to gain athletic and handiness skills. Click the job icon and the skills needed are displayed.
Make your Sim happy before she goes to work. Sims who are in a bad mood when they head to work are not usually promoted. If your Sim goes to work in a good mood from being well taken care of, you may see a promotion faster.
Build your Sims reputation. Reputation is determined by how other Sims in the town perceive your Sim. The fastest way to build a good reputation is to head to town and befriend as many Sims as possible. Admiring a Sim or engaging in chatter can build your reputation.