Resource Cheats
The cheats "-gold," "-lumber" and "-food" can all be used to instantly increase your resources. These commands must be followed by a numerical value to specify how much of the resource to add: type "-gold 5000" to increase your gold by 5,000, for example. The resource cheats can also be abbreviated to "-g," "-l" and "-f" for speedier execution.
Unit Cheats
Several cheats apply only to the currently selected unit. Typing "-int," "-agi" or "-str" followed by a number will alter the unit's attributes, while "-lvl," "-xp," "-hp" and "-mp" will set its level, experience, hitpoints or mana points. Other cheats can give a unit godlike powers: "-mana" keeps the units magical energy perpetually at 100 percent while "-invul" will make it impervious to all attacks.
Disguise and Espionage Cheats
The "-invis" cheat will make the selected unit invisible to all foes, allowing you to work undercover. This invisibility can be turned off with "-vis," allowing you to surprise the enemy by a sudden appearance in their base. A unit can also be disguised as a corpse with the "-dead" cheat, while "-birth" will make the currently selected building look as if it is in the early stages of construction. The "-hear" cheat lets you eavesdrop on the messages sent by allied foes, as well.
Other Cheats
The JJ Cheat Pack includes a wide selection of miscellaneous cheats that can be useful in different situations. Both "-kill" and "-destroy" will remove the selected units from the map, while "-unit" followed by a name will create a unit of the type specified. The variant "-spa" allows you to create multiple units at once; typing "-spa 24 priest" will give you two dozen priests ready for battle. The "-bind" commands let you cheat even faster by binding commands to keystrokes: "-bindright -f 200" will give you 200 food every time you press the right arrow key.