Mission Cheats
Enter the code "there is no cow level" to instantly win the mission you are in. Type "ophelia" to activate the mission select cheat. Type in the name of a race, followed by the mission number you want after you have activated the mission select cheat to jump to that mission. For example, type "terran3" to jump to the third mission of the Terran campaign. Similarly, enter codes "zerg2" or "protoss2" to jump to the second mission in the Zerg or Protoss campaigns. Type the code "staying alive" to continue playing the mission after you have won.
Resource Cheats
You will instantly acquire 10,000 mineral and vespene gas units with the code "show me the money." Alternatively, type in the code "whats mine is mine" to get 500 minerals and type in "breathe deep" to get 500 vespene gas units. Enter the code "food for thought" to remove the supply limit from your army. This lets you produce as many units as you like without the need for additional Zerg overlods, Protoss pylons or Terran supply depots.
Construction and Research Cheats
Enter the code "operation cwal" to speed up the building and research process for all units, buildings and upgrades. Everything will build in a fraction of the time it usually takes. Type the code "medieval man" to instantly obtain all research upgrades free. This will increase the power and abilities of your units. To build anything, without the need for pre-requisite research and structures, type the code "modify the phase variance." This will unlock all buildings in the construction menu. You must still have the necessary production structure to build specific units, such as a barracks for infantry and a factory for ground vehicles.
Tactical Cheats
Make all of your buildings and units invincible with the code "power overwhelming." Remove the fog of war with the code "war aint what it used to be," and reveal the entire map with "black sheep wall." Use both of these cheats to see all enemy units across the entire map. Enter "the gathering" to let your units use their special abilities without the need to spend energy points. Disable all enemy psionic abilities with the code "noglues."