Get Some Artillery
Use the cheat "give hunting_rifle" to get a hunting rifle. To get a machine gun, type the cheat "give rifle." The Code "give autoshotgun" will earn you an automatic shotgun.
Blow 'Em Up
You can also obtain explosive weapons with cheat codes. The phrase "give molotov" will net you a Molotov cocktail while the code "give pipe_bomb" gets you a pipe bomb.
Health Aplenty
To get a first aid kit, use the code "give first_aid_kit." To completely refill your health enter the code "give health."
Killing the zombies will prove easy with the code "god." This will make your character invincible.
Avoid the Mob
In "Left 4 Dead," you will sometimes be attacked by a mob of the undead. To avoid this, enable the cheat code "director_no_mobs <1/0>" and this will prevent the hordes from descending on you.