Players are able to unlock new items in "Counter-Strike" by first pressing the "~" key on the computer keyboard and then typing "sv_cheats 1" before entering the desired cheat. To unlock the Arctic gun, players must enter "weapon_awp" in the cheat field. To unlock the AK-47 gun, players must type in "weapon_ak47". To get $16,000 extra at the beginning of a "Counter-Strike" match, players must enter "mp_startmoney 16000". To get a bomb defuser, players must enter "weapon_defuser". The Desert Eagle gun is unlocked when players enter "weapon_deagle," and players get a bulletproof vest by entering "weapon_kevlar". Players get the Commando gun by entering "weapon_sg552".
To get special abilities in "Counter-Strike," players must hit the "~" key, enter "sv_cheats 1" and then type the cheat code for the ability they want. To make the sniper rifle automatically set its sight on enemies, players must enter "sv_aim". Players are able to jump faster once they type "sv_airaccelerate-9999". To run faster, players must enter "cl_forwardspeed 999". Players can walk through water at faster speeds by entering "sv_wateraccelerate 999" and move faster from side to side by entering "cl_sidespeed 999". To become invincible, players must enter "God". By entering "lambert," players can see in the dark without using any tools.
Settings in "Counter-Strike" are altered once players hit the "~" key, type "sv_cheats 1," and then put in the code that will change the settings the way they want. To make changes to the skins in the game, players can enter "skin". To rotate through different colors of crosshairs, players must enter "adjust crosshair". To start the "Counter-Strike" timer over, players must enter "timerefresh". To play cooperatively with another player, players must enter "coop". Once the code "sv_restartround 1" is typed, the match will start over in one second. To brighten the images in the game, players must enter "r_lightmap 1".