Enable Script Editor
Open your menu and select "Personal," followed by "Pilot" and "Rename." Change your pilot's name to "Thereshallbewings," omitting the punctuation. Note that the name begins with a capital letter. Your pilot's name will not be changed.
Default Money Cheat
Open the script editor and scroll down to the script titled "a.cheat.givememoney." Press "r" to run the script and receive an instant 100,000 credits.
Create Your Own Money Cheat
Open the script editor from the main menu and select "New Script." Enter a name for your script. Scroll down to the code section and select "New Line," followed by "Trade Commands." Scroll down and find the command titled "add money to player: <Var/Number>." Press Enter. Select the "Number" option and type in the amount of money you want. Press Escape to close the editor and save the script. Now you can simply select it from the script list and press "r" to run the script.