Hobbies And Interests

Alien Vs. Predator PC Cheats

̶0;Aliens vs. Predator̶1; is essentially three games in one, in that you can choose to play as a Colonial Marine, Predator or Alien. Whichever race you choose to play as, you will find plenty of cheats you can use to keep your game interesting. First, however, you will have to download the Build 98 patch. Once you have this patch, alter the target line for your Aliens vs. Predator shortcut so it reads ̶0;avp.exe -debug.̶1; Now you can press the ̶0;~̶1; to bring down the console during gameplay; from there you can enter whichever cheat code you want.
  1. Invulnerability Cheats

    • If you find yourself taking too many hits and are tired of having to restart levels, you can use these cheat codes to make yourself invulnerable. A different cheat code must be used to achieve this effect depending on the race you are playing as. If you are playing as a Marine, use the code ̶0;freakoftheunivers.̶1; If you are playing as a Predator, use the code ̶0;skullcollector.̶1; Finally, if you are playing as an alien, use the code ̶0;theonedeadlycreautureevercreated.̶1; On the other hand, if you would prefer your enemies to just ignore you, you can use the cheat code ̶0;observer̶1; to make yourself invisible, regardless of race.

    Weapon and Energy Cheats

    • If you'd rather not wait to use your favorite weapons, whether it's the Predator's disc or the Marine's minigun, use the cheat code ̶0;giveallweapons̶1; to give yourself every weapon in your character's arsenal and full ammo. If you happen to be playing as a Predator, you can use the code ̶0;gimme_charge̶1; to instantly replenish your energy supply, which is necessary for firing most of your weapons and for healing yourself.

    Bot Cheats

    • These cheat codes can be used to spawn enemies into your current level. Use the code ̶0;alienbot̶1; to add a hostile Alien; ̶0;marinebot̶1; to add a Marine; ̶0;praetorianbot̶1; to add a Praetorian, which is, essentially, a larger, tougher alien; ̶0;predobot̶1; to add a Predator-Alien hybrid; and ̶0;xenoborg̶1; to add a Xenoborg, a slow-moving Alien that has been equipped with heavy weapons.

      Note, however, that using these cheats can crash the game if the enemy you are adding is not normally present in your current level. Fortunately, there is a workaround. Alter the target line of your AVP shortcut to read ̶0;avp.exe -debug -l[ampcxtr].̶1; This will force the game to preload all enemies, regardless of the level you are playing.

    Motion Tracker Cheats

    • Because the Marine has extremely poor viability, the motion tracker is his best friend. You can alter the speed of the motion tracker with the cheat code ̶0;motiontrackerspeed [X],̶1; where X is a number between 0 and 16. Also, if you find the beeping sound that the motion tracker makes annoying, you can decrease its volume with the code ̶0;motiontrackervolume [X],̶1; where X is a number between 0.00 and 1.00.

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