Instant Money
For an instant $500,000, simply hold "Ctrl" plus "Shift" on your keyboard and type "ct2". You can also hold "Ctrl" plus "R" and type "ct2". This cheat can be entered at any time during game play and is a great alternative to borrowing money from the in-game loan shark or the bank.
Restarting a Level
If you want to restart a level in "Cinema Tycoon 2: Movie Mania," you'll need to go bankrupt. This can be done quite easily, however, simply by selling off all of your upgrades, films and other assets and then taking out a loan that you can't afford. You will soon go bankrupt, and you will be able to start the level over immediately.
Hot Movies
Purchase as many movies as possible from the "Hot" list. These are the movies that will bring in the highest amount of money. You can play "Hot" movies on more than one screen in your theater for added revenue. You should also keep in mind that promotion of your theater isn't really necessary when you first start a level, so you can use this money on other things.
Theater Upgrades
You'll need to pay attention to what upgrades you buy in "Cinema Tycoon 2: Movie Mania" so you don't run out of cash and end up bankrupt. Candy, parking and sound are all excellent upgrades to invest in. Avoid upgrading the number of seats in your theater unless it is nearing its capacity.
Ticket Prices
You may be tempted to raise your ticket prices to gain quick profits, but you'll actually end up turning away more customers by doing this. Ticket prices should remain around $10 for adults, $5 for seniors and $4 for children.
Loan Shark
"Cinema Tycoon 2: Movie Mania" features both a loan shark and a bank for you to borrow money from. The savvy businessman will borrow the maximum amount of money from both sources at the very beginning of the game to get a head start on building his cinema.