Hobbies And Interests

SIM City 3000 Unlimited Cheats

̶0;Sim City 3000 Unlimited̶1; is an upgraded version of the original ̶0;Sim City 3000̶1; released in 2000. This version adds buildings, challenges and scenarios. The game has several cheat codes that can aid the player. Enter them using the game console, accessible by pressing ̶0;Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C̶1; simultaneously on the keyboard. This brings up a prompt into which console commands can be entered.
  1. $100,000 Petition

    • Petitioners occasionally appear in ̶0;Sim City 3000 Unlimited̶1; to make requests of the player. This typically involves putting up a particular building. But one of the codes causes a petitioner, Cousin Vinnie, to appear and give you $100,000. Enter ̶0;call cousin vinnie̶1; into the console to use this cheat.

    Sim Castle

    • The Sim Castle is a special building that can only be built by using a console code. The console command to get the Sim Castle can only be accessed if you enter the ̶0;call cousin vinnie̶1; cheat and decline the petition from Cousin Vinnie that would give you $100,000. Then enter ̶0;zyxwvu̶1; to build the Sim Castle.

    Utility Cheats

    • Players need to have sufficient power, water and waste management utility coverage in ̶0;Sim City 3000 Unlimited̶1; to ensure your city expands and grows. This is accomplished by building utility buildings or making deals with neighboring cities to handle your utility needs. Alternatively, console codes can be used for each type of utility. Enter ̶0;power to the masses̶1; to get full power utility coverage in your city. Enter ̶0;water in the desert̶1; to get full water utility coverage. Enter ̶0;garbage in, garbage out̶1; to get full waste management utility coverage.

    Water Type

    • Bodies of water in ̶0;Sim City 3000 Unlimited̶1; are either salt or fresh water. Several structures in the game can only be built on the shore of particular bodies of water. You can change water type using a console command while targeting the body of water. Enter ̶0;salt on̶1; to turn fresh water into salt water, or ̶0;salt off̶1; for the reverse effect.

    Lower Pollution and Traffic

    • Pollution and traffic levels are major issues for larger, denser cities and can lower land values where either is high. Without significant planning beforehand, lowering both is typically costly and time consuming. But it's possible to reduce both traffic and pollution by entering ̶0;traffic lights̶1; into the console.

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