Hobbies And Interests

The Sims Life Stories Cheats for PC

The Sims Life Stories is the first product released in a line from Electronic Arts called The Sims Stories. There are two story lines available to play in The Sims Life Stories. The first story lets you play through Riley's life as she returns to her home; the second story lets you follow the unlucky love life of Vince. To enter cheat codes for The Sims Life, hold "Control," "Shift" and the "C" key to display the console window. From there you can enter case sensitive cheat codes.
  1. More Simoleons

    • CheatsCC.com explains that to receive 1,000 additional simoleons, players should first open the console window and enter the cheat code "Kaching." To receive 50,000 additional simoleons, enter the cheat code "motherlode."

    Unlock Career Reward Objects

    • To unlock career reward objects for your selected sim, enter the cheat code "unlockCareerRewards" after opening the console window.

    Set All Motives To Maximum

    • To set all motives to maximum for all sims on your lot, enter the cheat code "maxMotives" after opening the console window.

    Funds Cheats

    • To set the amount of funds available for specific families, enter the cheat code "familyFunds (family name)(value)."

      To add or subtract from currently selected funds, type the cheat code "familyFunds (family name) (+/-)(value)."

    Aspiration Cheat

    • To lock or unlock the aspiration score of all sims on your lot, type the cheat code "lockAspiration (on)" or "lockAspiration (off)."

    Newborn Cheat

    • To have twins when a baby is born, enter either "twinzr2cute" or "twinsr2cute" after opening the console screen.

    Size &Age Cheats

    • To change the size of a sim, enter the cheat code "StretchSkeleton (number)."

      To prevent sims from aging, type either "aging (on)" or "aging (off)."

    Delete All Characters

    • To delete all characters in a neighborhood, type the cheat code "deleteAllCharacters." This cheat code only works in the neighborhood area of the game.

    Object Cheats

    • To gain the ability to place objects anywhere, enter the cheat code "moveObjects (on)" or "moveObjects (off)." This will give the hand tool the ability to move any object.

    Terrain Cheat

    • To change the terrain, type in neighborhood view type "TerrainType (desert)" or "TerrainType (temperature)."

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