Cash Cheats
If you find yourself chronically low on cash, there are two ways you can fix that. The first involves selling your fish. You can name your own price with any fish you want to sell, and if you hold down the ̶0;9̶1; key for long enough the price will eventually read ̶0;Infinity.̶1; At this point you can sell the fish for a staggering amount of money, which customers will surprisingly pay.
Alternatively, you sell several fish, each priced at $800, then place five fish eggs, along with six drops of fish hormones, in your sale tank. As the sale tank fills up you will periodically receive an additional $800.
Accelerated Hatching Cheat
If you're tired of waiting for your fish to hatch or grow you can accelerate the process by setting your computer's clock forward four hours, if the game is on regular speed, or two hours if the game is running at twice the normal speed. You can alter your computer's time settings by accessing your control panel, selecting ̶0;Date and Time̶1; and then ̶0;Change Date and Time.̶1;
Be careful though, while this cheat accelerates hatching it also accelerates everything else. So any sick or unfed fish could die if you set the clock forward. Once you have finished hatching your eggs, you can reset the clock without any in-game repercussions.
Breeding Magic Fish
Magic fish attract more customers, thus bringing in more money, sell for higher prices than other fish and affect the behaviors of fish sharing their tank. However, magic fish can only be bred, they cannot be purchased. The Greenfin Spotanus, for example, which increases the fertility of the fish in whichever tank it is in, can breed with the Twin-Fin Spotanus and Spined Spotanus.
Another helpful fish is the Speckled Leaffish, which reduces the rate at which fish get hungry. Breed the Stubby Pigmy and Greenfin Comet. The Crimson Comet, capable of curing diseased fish, can breed with the Speckled Stickfish and the Orange Goldbulb. The Oriental Goldbulb, which causes fish to grow more quickly, can breed with the Crimson Comet and the Orange Goldbulb. The Orange Snooper, which increases the life expectancies of fish, can breed with the Fanned Stickfish and the Stubby Fruitfish.
One of the more interesting fish is the Wasp Grouper, which changes the kinds of fish hatched by eggs. It can breed with the Oriental Goldbulb and Pink Pigmy. Finally, The Canary Fire-Arrow or, Golden Guppy of Isola, does not die of old age and can breed with the Crimson Comet and Fanned Fatfish.