Hobbies And Interests

LEGO Star Wars PC Cheats Walkthrough

Lego Star Wars for the PC is a unique action-adventure game set in the Star Wars universe. This version of Star Wars happens to be made entirely of Lego blocks. Players can take on the role of all their favorite Star Wars heroes. In addition to their quest to defeat Darth Vader and stop the Death Star, players are tasked with collecting hidden Lego pieces, new vehicle parts and hidden characters. There are plenty of cheat codes and unlockable extras to help along the way.
  1. Character Codes

    • Lego Star Wars features a huge number of playable characters, each of which can be unlocked for use in any level. In order to unlock these characters, go to Dexter's Diner in the game and select the category option "Codes."

      To unlock the "Gonk Droid" playable character, enter the code: U63B2A.
      To unlock the "PK Droid" playable character, enter the code: R840JU.
      To unlock the "Battle Droid Security" playable character, enter the code: KF999A.
      To unlock the "Battle Droid" playable character, enter the code: 987UYR.
      To unlock the "Commander Battle Droid" playable character, enter the code: EN11K5.
      To unlock the "Droideka" playable character, enter the code: DH382U.
      To unlock the "Royal Guard" playable character, enter the code: PP43JX.
      To unlock Padme as a playable character, enter the code: 92UJ7D.
      To unlock Darth Maul as a playable character, enter the code: H35TUX.
      To unlock the "Clone" playable character, enter the code: F8B4L6.
      To unlock the "Geonosian" playable character, enter the code: 19D7NB.
      To unlock the "Geonosis Battle Droid" playable character, enter the code: LK42U6.
      To unlock the "Super Battle Droid" playable character, enter the code: XZNR21.
      To unlock the "Jango Fett" playable character, enter the code: PL47NH.
      To unlock Boba Fett as a playable character, enter the code: LA811Y.
      To unlock the "Luminara" playable character, enter the code: A725X4.
      To unlock the "Ki-Adi Mundi" playable character, enter the code: DP55MV.
      To unlock the "Kit Fisto" playable character, enter the code: CBR954.
      To unlock the "Shaak Ti" playable character, enter the code: EUW862.
      To unlock Count Dooku as a playable character, enter the code: 14PGMN.
      To unlock the "Grievous' Bodyguard" playable character, enter the code: ZTY392.
      To unlock the "General Grievous" playable character, enter the code: SF321Y.
      To unlock the "Basic Clone" playable character, enter the code: ER33JN.
      To unlock the "Clone Pilot" playable character, enter the code: BHU72T.
      To unlock the "Swamp Clone" playable character, enter the code: N3T6P8.
      To unlock the "Clone Walker" playable character, enter the code: RS6E25.
      To unlock Mace Windu as a playable character, enter the code: MS952L.
      To unlock the "Disguised Clone" playable character, enter the code: VR832U.
      To unlock Darth Sidious as a playable character, enter the code: A32CAM.
      To unlock the "Rebel Trooper" playable character, enter the code: L54YUK.
      To unlock Princess Leia as a playable character, enter the code: BEQ82H.

    Extra Option Codes

    • Along with the hidden characters in the game, there are also many hidden extra options. These options can also be unlocked at Dexter's Diner in the "Codes" category option.

      To unlock the "Invincibility Mode" option, enter the code: 4PR28U.
      To unlock the "Silhouettes Mode" option, enter the code: MS999Q.
      To unlock the "Purple Lighting Mode" option, enter the code: YD77GC.
      To unlock the "Moustaches Mode" option, enter the code: RP924W.
      To unlock the "Minikit Detector Mode" option, enter the code: LD116B.
      To unlock the "Tea Cups Mode" option, enter the code: PUCEAT.
      To unlock the "Brushes Mode" option, enter the code: SHRUB1.
      To unlock the "Big Blasters Mode" option, enter the code: IG72X4.
      To unlock the "Classic Blasters Mode" option, enter the code: L449HD.
      To unlock the "Silly Blasters Mode" option, enter the code: NR37W1.

    Hidden Level and Final Characters

    • There are two characters and one hidden level that can only be unlocked by locating a set number of "Lego Studs" on every level. Once you have completely filled your stud meter on a level, you will be notified that you have attained "True Jedi Status." When you have attained "True Jedi Status" on all the levels in the game, you will automatically unlock Darth Vader and the Storm Trooper as well as the hidden level Tantive IV.

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