Character cheats
The following cheats can be used to raise or lower the player character's stats (strength, intelligence and so on), health level, and other attributes. For any cheats that contain a #, enter a number between 1 and 999 in its place.
This cheat replenishes a character's hit points.
setstrength #
This cheat changes the player character's Strength attribute.
setdexterity #
This cheat changes the player character's Dexterity attribute.
setconstitution #
This cheat changes the player character's Constitution attribute.
setintelligence #
This cheat changes the player character's Intelligence attribute.
setwisdom #
This cheat changes the player character's Wisdom attribute.
setcharisma #
This cheat changes the player character's Charisma attribute.
addexp #
This cheat adds experience points to the player's current total. Experience points are normally gained by defeating enemies in combat and performing important actions, and allow the player character to level up.
The player character cannot take damage or be killed.
addlightside #
The player character gains Light Side points, which allow the character to obtain new Light Side powers.
adddarkside #
The player character gains Dark Side points, which allow the character to obtain new Dark Side powers.
givecredits #
This cheat provides the player with additional credits (money) to purchase items.
addlevel #
The player character's level increases by the amount entered.
setawareness #
This cheat alters the player character's Awareness skill level. The higher the number, the stronger the skill.
setcomputeruse #
This cheat alters the player character's Computer Use skill level.
setdemolitions #
This cheat alters the player character's Demolitions skill level.
setpersuade #
This cheat alters the player character's Persuade skill level.
setrepair #
This cheat alters the player character's Repair skill level.
setsecurity #
This cheat alters the player character's Security skill level.
setstealth #
This cheat alters the player character's Stealth skill level.
settreatinjury #
This cheat alters the player character's Treat Injury skill level.
Item cheats
The following cheats create additional items for the player to use. Each cheat generates one item unless otherwise noted.
giveitem g_i_belt011
Adrenaline stimulator
giveitem g_i_mask09
Advanced aural amplifier
giveitem g_i_mask08
Aural amplifier
giveitem g_i_implant301
Bavakar cardio package
giveitem g_i_implant303
Bavakar memory chip
giveitem g_i_implant302
Bavakar reflex enhancer
giveitem g_i_implant309
Beemon package
giveitem g_i_implant304
Bio-Antidote package
giveitem g_i_implant201
Biotech package
giveitem g_i_mask03
Bothan perception visor
giveitem g_i_mask05
Bothan sensory visor
giveitem g_i_mask12
Breath Mask
giveitem g_i_belt009
Calrissian's utility belt
giveitem g_i_implant305
Cardio power system
giveitem g_i_mask22
Circlet of Saresh
giveitem g_i_belt012
CNS strength enhancer
giveitem g_i_mask18
Combat sensor
giveitem g_i_implant310
Cyber reaction system
giveitem g_i_mask17
Demolitions sensor
100 Advanced repair kits
100 computer spikes
99 advanced medpacks
99 parts
giveitem g_w_lghtsbr01
Blue light saber
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl11
Bondar Crystal
giveitem g_a_class9009
Cassus Fett's Armor
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl02
Damind Crystal
giveitem g_w_lghtsbr06
Darth Malak's light saber
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl03
Eralam crystal
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl10
Firkrann crystal
giveitem g_w_lghtsbr03
Green light saber
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl07
Jenruaux crystal
giveitem g_a_class9007
Jurgan Kata's power suit
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl09
Luxum crystal
giveitem g_a_class9010
Mandalorian assault armor
giveitem g_i_implant103
Memory package
giveitem g_i_mask02
Motion detection goggles
giveitem g_i_implant307
Navardan regenerator
giveitem g_i_implant203
Nerve enhancement package
giveitem g_i_mask10
Neural band
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl05
Nextor crystal
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl06
Opila crystal
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl08
Phond crystal
giveitem g_i_mask23
Pistol targeting optics
giveitem g_w_lghtsbr02
Red light saber
giveitem g_i_implant202
Retinal combat implant
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl01
Rubat crystal
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl04
Sapith crystal
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl12
Sigil crystal
giveitem ptar_sitharmor
Sith armor
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl19
Solari crystal
giveitem g_i_belt010
Stealth field generator
giveitem g_i_mask13
Teta's royal band
giveitem g_i_belt014
Thermal shield generator
giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl13
Upari crystal
giveitem g_i_mask06
Vacuum mask
giveitem g_i_mask11
Verpine headband
giveitem g_i_mask04
Verpine ocular enhancer
Other cheats
The following cheats provide a number of benefits to the player.
All items that may only be used a limited number of times during the game now remain in the player's possession and can be utilized indefinitely.
This cheat reveals the location map in its entirety, including unexplored areas.
The player character moves at three times his or her normal speed.