Boost Material Resources
In order to build up your empire, you'll need materials for constructing towers and building forts, as well as food and water to supply your workers and citizens. Press "Enter" and type "call boggy" to receive 1,000 units of food. Entering "beaver" will give you 1,000 wood units, and "get stoned" will make 1,000 stone units appear instantly.
Make It Easy
Make "Empires: Dawn of the Modern World" easy by entering "noob" to give yourself access to the world map, have all buildings completed instantly and get 100,000 units of all resources. If your soldiers weaken, enter "red bones" to restore all of your units to full health.
End It Quickly
If you wish to end the campaign quickly, "Empires: Dawn of the Modern World" makes that possible. Enter "shock and awe" in order to get an instant win and move to the next stage. If you're feeling like a loser, type "weak like ukraine" to forfeit your game and destroy your empire.
Give and Take Away
In order to get 100,000 units of gold, enter "daddy's credit card." If you feel buyer's remorse upon spending your cash, feel free to destroy your creation by entering "cold shower" to remove all wood resources, "no soup for you" to make all food disappear and "qa salary" to lose all of your remaining gold.