Hobbies And Interests

Call of Duty 4 Map Making Tutorial

̶0;Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare̶1; is an exciting first-person shooter video game. The multiplayer component of the game provides almost endless online game play. Many different maps are available, but if you have the PC version you can create and share your own multiplayer maps using the ̶0;Call of Duty 4̶1; Mod Tools.
  1. "Call of Duty 4" Mod Tools

    • Before installing the ̶0;Call of Duty 4̶1; Mod Tools, make sure that your video and DirectX drivers are current and ̶0;Call of Duty 4̶1; is updated to version 1.4. Note that the Mod Tools will not work with Windows Vista.

      Download the ̶0;Call of Duty 4̶1; Mod Tools. The game's manufacturer, Infinity Ward, has created a wiki help page listing websites where you can download the files (see Resources). To install the Mod Tools, unzip all files to the Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare directory on your hard drive. Then upgrade the Mod Tools by downloading and unzipping the version 1.1 patch.

    Design the Map

    • Look at other existing ̶0;Call of Duty 4̶1; maps to get an idea of what is currently available. Don't spend time and effort on a design that already exists. If necessary, sketch your map on paper before creating it in the "Call of Duty" map editor. What kind of game do you want to create? Perhaps you want a map offering many places for snipers to hide or one allowing a large gun battle in the middle the street. Whatever you want to design, develop a clear plan first.

      Infinity Ward's wiki lists the size standards for the various map items such as walls, doors, windows and streets. Use these to make your map consistent with the other maps in the ̶0;Call of Duty 4̶1; world.

    The Radiant Map Editor

    • Create your map using the ̶0;Call of Duty̶1; map editor, or Radiant. The Radiant interface is similar in style to many CAD or 3D modeling applications. It has a 2D window providing a top-down view of the map area, a window that provides a 3D view of the map and a window for viewing the game textures. It includes toolbars for accessing all the mapping tools as well. You can also set a variety of preferences including camera speed, texture quality, mouse settings and how the views display in the interface.

      The Infinity Ward Call of Duty wiki site provides instructions, tips and an FAQ for using Radiant to build and compile maps. Several third-party websites also offer brief tutorials on using Radiant.

      The files you create have a .map file extension and are stored in your ̶0;Call of Duty 4̶1; maps directory.

    Finalize and Test

    • When you've finished building your map, compile it and give it a thorough test with your friends online. Take note of any problems areas. Perhaps the map is too easy or the action slows down in one specific area. If necessary, make adjustments and test the map until it provides the game play you're looking for.


    • If your map is running properly and you are happy with the final product, share it with others by uploading the file to any of the several websites supporting game modifications and maps. The most popular for "Call of Duty" is the Planet Call of Duty site (see Resources).

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