Things You'll Need
Cheating In Sim City 4
Run Sim City 4 and load a city you have been working on, or start a new city.
Type "Ctrl+X" and then enter any one of the following codes. Note: the cheat code is to the left, and after the colon is an explanation of what the cheat does.
"weaknesspays": Adds $1,000 to your city budget.
"youdontdeserveit": Access all rewards. These are things such as a Mayor's mansion, baseball stadiums, and more.
"hellomynameis": Change the mayor's name (Do so by typing in the cheat and then hitting the space bar once and typing in a new name).
"stopwatch": Pause the in-game clock. Time comes to a standstill.
"howdryiam": Removes water requirements in your city.
"fightthepower": No power requirements in your city.
"whererufrom": Allows you to change the city name (Do so as you did the mayor's name, add a space after typing in the cheat, and then type in a new city name).
"DollyLlama": Makes all of your advisors become Llamas.
"zoneria": This cheat will make zoned areas, such as green residential areas, have no color so that areas where a building hasn't grown in yet will show the ground instead of a colored tile.
"recorder": This cheat will start running the recorder.
"gol": This cheat will give the map of your city a greenish tint.
"tastyzots": Allows you the ability to toggle zots on and off. Zots are the icons that show things such as "No power" or "No road connection".
"sizeof": This cheat allows you to magnify any part of the map from 1 to 1,000. After typing in "sizeof", type in a number between 1 (zoomed out) and 1000 (zoomed in).
"whattimeizit": This will allow you to change the time and even the year.