Food is needed to survive during game play. When your food depletes, so does your life, making you susceptible to defeat by the opponent. While you normally need to look for food, or kill enemies to gain life, entering the cheat code "JUNK FOOD NIGHT" will immediately give you 1,000 units of food, plenty to get you through the board successfully.
Gold is required to make trades and purchase armor and weaponry needed to survive during game play. Gold bricks are normally placed throughout the board for pick-up, or obtained when you kill an enemy. Entering the cheat code "ATM OF EREBUS" will instantly give you 1,000 units of gold, allowing you to buy a stash of weaponry.
Show Full Map
The map allows you to view enemy locations, look for shortcuts and plan an attack path. Normal game play allows you to view only the portion of the map you are currently near, preventing you from seeing the full area. By entering the code "LAY OF THE LAND," you can view the entire map and plan your game play from there.
Unlock God Powers
God powers allow you to create natural disasters such as lightening, meteors and tornadoes. This is helpful when you're in a hot spot or being attacked by numerous opponents that you cannot beat single-handedly. Enter the code "WRATH OF THE GODS" to unlock this power. To receive randomized God powers, enter the cheat code "PANDORAS BOX."
Speed Up Game Play
The game can sometimes move at a slower pace than you would like. To increase the pace and complete tasks faster, enter the cheat code "LETS GO! NOW!" and game speed will instantly increase, allowing you to complete missions in a fraction of the time.