Try clicking on a residential lot mailbox without BoolProp cheats in use. If you have the download, you will find that you have options to "force bills" or other common cheats associated with cheat codes, although they are not activated in your game. Save game if desired and then exit.
Access Program Files on your computer and click the "EA Games" folder.
Open the "The Sims 2" folder. Look for a "download folder."
Within your downloads, you should see a file labeled "47f6694823b08ee078ac6d52158e192b_0001" (without quotations). If you have many downloads, try copying and pasting this file name into the search box on the left, as there will be some similar names and you want to avoid pulling the wrong download.
Once you've pinpointed the file through examining your downloads or using the search agent--which is highly suggested--drag the file to the desktop. Do not delete it just yet.
Close all boxes and restart your game. Enter a lot without cheats in use and click on the residential mailbox. If you do not have any cheat options, only things such as "get bills," you have correctly removed the hack. If you do, retry the above steps and make sure you've isolated the right file. If you have isolated the right file and are still experiencing issues, contact EA technical support (see Resources below).
Delete the extracted download file if the mailbox functions correctly.