Cheat Codes
Several cheat codes are available for "Star Trek Armada II." To enter these codes, press the "Enter" key during the game. After typing the appropriate code, press "Enter" again to activate the cheat. To skip to the next mission, use the code "kobayashimaru." Increase the amount of game currency by entering "showmethemoney." The code "avoidance" allows crew members to be created more quickly. "Imouttastepwithreality" will send you to the Gamma Quadrant area of the game.
Invincibility Modification
Invincibility within the game can be activated by modifying one of the "Star Trek Armada II" game files. Because this cheat involves changing the game settings, the file should be copied to a backup location before the modification is saved. Locate the file named "rts_cfg.h" in the directory where the game is installed. After opening this file in a text editor such as Notepad, find the values marked "float EASY_DAMAGE" and "float HARD_DAMAGE." Change the number values associated with each line to "0.0." When the file is saved and the game is launched, the ship shields will not be able to be damaged by the enemy.
Resources Modification
The "Star Trek Armada II" in-game resources can be increased by modifying one of the game files. As a backup, save a copy of this file before proceeding. Locate the file named "rts_cfg.h" in the main install directory, and open it using a text editor. Under the heading marked "resource gathering parameters," modify the values of each line to the desired amounts. The line "int cfgMaxDilithium" is used to set the maximum amount of available Dilithium. "Int cfgMaxOfficers" is used for the maximum number of officers. "Int cfgStartingCrew" holds the value for the number of initial ship crew members. After changing these numbers, save the file and launch the game.
Sensor Modification
The sensor range used by the ships in "Star Trek Armada II" can be modified. Locate and backup the file named "fsensor.odf" in the "ODF" folder of the installation directory. Open the file in a text editor, and find the line marked "rangeScan." Change this value to "32000.of." Save the file. Start the game and create a sensor array unit. The unit will have an unlimited sensor range, and the entire map will be revealed.