God Mode
Almost every FPS made starting in the early 90s through the early 2000s had a cheat like this. If the enemies are getting too much for you, or if you just want to run around wildly with no consequence for your actions, enter the God Mode cheat. It makes you completely invincible, allowing you to take enemies apart with your bare hands if need be. You can turn on the God Mode cheat in "Painkiller: Redemption" by hitting the "~," or tilda, key and typing the phrase "pkgod" into the command line. Hit "Enter" to activate the cheat. To turn off God Mode, re-enter the cheat phrase.
All Weapons
"Painkiller: Resurrection" revels in over-the-top weapons. You don't start out with all weapons at once. You usually have to collect them as you progress through the game. If you prefer not to wait, however, you can enter the phrase "pkweapons" into the command console. This gives you a large arsenal to use against your foes.
Health and Ammo Cheats
Sometimes players need an extra hand. The enemies in "Painkiller" can be a brutal lot, attacking you with all their strength the minute they see you. Whenever you need a quick health boost or a little more ammunition for your weapon, type "pkhealth" or "pkammo" into the command console to receive full health or ammo, respectively. Type "pkpower" into the console to get full health and ammo. If you prefer the enemies be just a bit easier to kill, type "pkweakenemies" into the console to reduce all enemies to one HP.
Miscellaneous Cheats
Type "pkkeepbodies" or "pkkeepdecals" into the command console to prevent dead bodies or special decals from disappearing in-game. Enter "pkhaste" to increase your character's movement speed. Use "pkdemon" to shape-shift your character into the powerful Demon form.