Using Cheats
Players enter cheat codes by selecting "Settings" from the game's Main Menu screen. Simply type the code into the text box and click the "Cheat" button to enable each code. Once activated, a code is later deactivated by reentering the code and pressing the "Cheat" button again. When you enter thecodes successfully, a short confirmation message will be displayed on the screen.
Level Cheats
Warp your Tot to the game's secret level instantly with the code "thisisnotalevel." Unlock every level in the game with the code "voteforpedro."
Tot Cheats
The in-game avatar, or Tot, can be affected in two ways by cheat codes. Enter the code "goths" to transform your Tot into a gothic idol. Use the code "sicktot" to turn the Main Menu's Tot a sickly green color.
Artifical Intelligence Cheats
The game's artificial intelligence is prone to effects from cheat codes as well. Use the code "crazyai" to increase the speed the game's AI. This makes it much easier to attain the level of "Virtual Mastermind."