Enable character invincibility by opening the "\Deep Silver\Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel\Scripts\server\balance.txt" file with any basic text editor program and changing two short lines. Once opened, find the lines that read "Enemy_weapondamage" and "Enemy_spelldamage", and change the numerical values of each to "0,0,0,0,0". You will now be unaffected by all enemy attacks.
Gold and Experience
Gain quick gold and experience points by opening the "\Deep Silver\Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel\Scripts\server\balance.txt" file with any basic text editor and changing four lines. Find the lines "QuestExplow", "QuestGoldlow", "QuestExpmax" and "QuestGoldmax" and change the numerical values of each one to "200000,200000,200000,200000,200000", "20000,20000,20000,20000,200000", "400000,400000,400000,400000,400000" and "30000,30000,30000,30000,300000" respectively.
Rune Swap For Cheap
Set the trade ratio between gold pieces and runes to 1:1 by opening the "\Deep Silver\Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel\Scripts\server\balance.txt" file with text editing software and changing one small line. Find the line that reads "SwapRune_One" and change the numerical value of the entry from the default "125000" to a new, more efficient value of "1". You'll now find the process of trading gold pieces for runes has become much more efficient.
All Runes
Using basic text editor software, open the file "\Deep Silver\Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel\Scripts\server\balance.txt". Locate the entry that reads "Is Rune for Hero" and change the numerical value from "400" to "4000". Once activated, every rune is dropped and made available to your character.
Unique Drops
Ensure you receive unique treasure drops in the game by opening the file "\Deep Silver\Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel\Scripts\server\balance.txt" and editing several lines. Change the value of "local beValues" to "{", "NORMAL_STANDARD" to "10000", "NORMAL_RUNE" to "5000", "CHAMP_STANDARD" to "10000", "CHAMP_RUNE" to "5000", "BOSS_STANDARD" to "10000", "BOSS_RUNE" to "5000", "EXTRAGOLD" to "0", "EXTRAPOTION" to "0", "EXTRARUNE" to "0", "Trader_Item" to "2300", "Trader_Many" to "10000", "Trader_SpecialOffer" to "0", "Well_Potion" to "1000", "QUEST_UNIQUE" to "0", "SUBFAMDROP_LOWCHANCE" to "10" and "SUBFAMDROP_HIGHCHANCE" to "100". Next, locate the lines that read "ZRareExpectation00" to "ZRareExpectation15" and change each one's value to "1000".