Heavy Clothing
Proceed through the game until you unlock Downtown. Speak with the taxi driver by Jeanette's club to go there.
Search for Fat Larry's van. It's either by Venture Tower or in the alleyway beside Club Confession.
Click on Fat Larry to speak with him. When he offers to show you his wares, agree.
Select the Heavy Clothing and click "Buy." It appears in your inventory, where you can click on it to equip it.
Light Leather
Proceed through the game until you unlock Hollywood. Speak with the taxi driver by Venture Towers to go there.
Go to the Red Spot convenience store. It's right across the street from where the taxi drops you off.
Click on the clerk to speak with him. He mentions a "special." Ask him about it and he'll show you his collection of illicit weapons, including the Light Leather armor.
Select the Light Leather and click "Buy." It appears in your inventory, where you can click on it to equip it. It reduces your dexterity by 1 point.
Heavy Leather
Proceed through the game until you unlock Chinatown. Speak with the taxi driver by the Red Spot to go there.
Go to Tseng's Herbal Remedies, which is to the right of the taxi.
Click on Tseng to initiate a conversation. Ask him about weapons and he'll show you his inventory, including Heavy Leather armor.
Select the Heavy Leather and click "Buy." It appears in your inventory, where you can click on it to equip it. It reduces your dexterity by 1 point.
Body Armor
Go to the Hospital in Santa Monica, the starting location.
Explore the ground floor until you find a badly injured girl in a waiting room. Her name is Heather. Click on her to initiate a conversation, and then choose to feed her your blood. She'll turn into your ghoul.
Proceed through the game until Heather approaches you, offering her devoted service. Agree to keep her, and she'll appear in your apartment.
Continue through the game until you complete the Italian Dinner quest. Return to your apartment and click on Heather to start a conversation, and she'll give you the Body Armor, the best armor in the game. It reduces your dexterity by 2.