Easy and Hard Level Codes
To unlock all the levels in "Totem Destroyer 2," press "shift" and "C" at the same time on the main menu to access the "Cheat" window. Some cheats can be reversed if you input the code twice. By entering cheat codes, you can open up new levels. To access the "Luck Level," type in "highroller." To unlock the "Easy Level," type in "idontwantchallenge" and to access the "Hard Level," type in "idowantchallenge."
Other Level Codes
You can unlock "Roni's Level" in "Totem Destroyer 2" by inputting "ronislevel" in the "Cheat" window. Inputting "beka" unlocks the "Beka Level," while typing in "thisisnotalevel" unlocks the "(not a) Level." In addition, you can unlock the "Real Impossible Level" by typing in "therealimpossiblelevel" in the "Cheat" window.
Game Modifying Codes
There are cheats you can access in "Totem Destroyer 2" that enable you to modify aspects of the game. You can invert the colors of the game during play by inputting "weareall doomed." By typing in "aimayhem," you can implement the "Frenzy menu" artificial intelligence. In addition, you can make the game crash by typing in "olivesmoroncrash" in the "Cheat" window.
Additional Codes
You can delete all custom levels in "Totem Destroyer 2" by typing in "resetcustomlevelsmemory" in the "Cheat" window. By inputting "showstats," you can display information about the game's statistics on the main menu. Type in "resetmemory" to reset all the game's memory. When you type in "iamevil," you can make the main menu music play in reverse. And if you input "theblackmonolith," you can view the game's ending but only if you have completed the game previously and have already viewed the sequence.