Money Cheat
Money is used to buy new weapons and upgrades for your character. To instantly fill your bank account with $50,000, enter the in-game shop and type the word "cheatm."
Hit Point Cheat
Hit points are a measure of your character's health in Alien Shooter: Fight For Life. Type "cheath" during regular gameplay to restore 1,000 hit points to your character.
Weapon Cheat
Instead of collecting or using your in-game cash to purchase all the weapons, you can utilize a cheat to unlock them all. Simply type "cheatw" at any time during normal gameplay and you'll instantly have access to every weapon in the game.
Ammunition Cheat
Even if you have all the weapons in the game, you're still going to need ammunition to shoot. Luckily, there's a cheat for that, too. Typing "cheata" during gameplay gives your character 1,000 more rounds of ammunition to use in the current weapon.
Level Cheat
To instantly warp to the end of any level, simply type "cheate" on your keyboard. Enter this code at any time during regular gameplay.