Things You'll Need
Type in "kaching" to get 1,000 Simoles or "motherlode" to get 50,000 Simoles. This cheat has been part of The Sims universe since the first Sim game.
Increase the number of kingdom points you have by typing in "setKingdomPoints" or "SetKP" and then a number. This will add that number to both your renown and resources. So if you had 200 renown point and 20 resource points and typed in "SetKP 30" you would have 230 renown points and 50 resource points.
Set the number of quest points you have by typing in "SetQP" and a number. This cheat changes your quest points to that number. If your quest points are 20 and you type in "SetQP 15" you will have 15 quest points.
Re-randomize the quests visible to you by typing "Reroll Quests." If you wish to see all quests available, type in "ShowAllQuests." If you want to see all your potential quests, type in "ShowAllValidQuests." You will need to enter the command again if you want to stop seeing all quests.
Disable the clothing filter by typing in "DisableClothingFilter." This should make all clothing available to a player regardless of an occupation, but it does not seem to work during a quest.
Turn responsibilities on or off by typing "EnableRespos" or "DisableRespos." If you disable responsibilities, it shows them as satisfied.
Change your Sim's focus meter by using setmood and typing in a percentage between -100 and 200 or min, max or supermax. This changes the meter regardless of what mood buff your Sim has. For example, if you type in "setmood max" it would set your sim's focus meter halfway into the green. "Setmood supermax" maximizes your sim's focus and "min" plunges it to the bottom.
Change visuals in the games using fadeobjects, maptags or hideHeadlineEffects. Fadeobjects controls whether objects fade when the camera gets too close to the camera. Maptags toggles the map tags on and off, which are not really noticeable unless you are in the map view. HideHeadlineEffects removes all plumbbobs (diamond-shaped mood symbol) and thought balloons from above sims' heads.
Type in "moveobjects" to remove limitations for placing and moving objects. If you type "disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt," objects will not snap to slots when you hold the ALT key.
Video your sims by typing in "VideoMakerModeEnabled." You can start recording by typing in "RecordVideo" followed by the size (small, medium or large) and the quality (low, moderate, high or max). For example, if you type in "RecordVideo small low" you will get a record a small, low quality video. You can stop the video from recording by clicking on a the motion picture icon in the top right-hand corner.
Celebrate the sims continuing obsession with llamas by typing in "enablellamas." This "toggles llama mode," according to the cheat help, but doesn't actually do anything in the game. All of The Sims games have had llama references in them, which is part of an inside joke by creator Will Wright