Cheat Console Setup
To set up the cheat consule, players should enter the shortcut to the game on their PC and add the line "-enableconsole" to the end of it. Once this is complete, you can press the "~" key during gameplay to open the cheat console. Type a code and press "Enter" to activate it.
Helpful Bonuses
Players can get all of the weapons in the game at one time by inputting the "allweapons" cheat code. Use "allammo" to get full ammunition for those weapons. To get the whole shebang, use the code "loaded". This will net you all weapons with full ammunition, as well as 100 points of adrenaline.
Weird Effects
If you ever dreamed of both flying and traveling through walls, type the code "ghost", which allows you to go anywhere on the game map. The code "fly" allows you to soar, but you cannot pass through walls. Enter the cheat "teleport", and you will magically appear on a structure above your current location. You can deactivate the flying and ghost cheat codes by typing in "walk".
Camera Angles
Players can switch between different perspectives in the game. Enter "behindview 0" to get the first-person view through your character's eyes. Use the cheat "behindview 1" to switch to third-person view, which moves the camera behind your character.