Extra Resources
Type "forcefood" to receive 1,000 units of food. Type "forceore" to receive 1,000 units of ore. Type "forcecarbon" to receive 1,000 units of carbon. Type "forcefood" to receive 1,000 units of food and type "force nova" to receive 1,000 units of nova.
Type "forceexplore" to reveal the entire map without removing the fog of war. Type "forcesight" to remove the fog of war from the map, which instantly reveals all enemy units.
Killer Ewok
Type "simonsays" to summon Simon the Killer Ewok, a very powerful ally.
Powerful Navy
Type "forceboat" to create an invisible ship. Type "scaryneighbor" to create a speed boat with increased firepower. Both of these cheats must be activated over water.
Summon Ships
Type "thatsnomoon" to summon a Death Star. Type "tantive iv" to summon a Corellian Corvette. Type "GALACTIC UPHEAVAL" to summon a Decimator. Type "imperial entanglements" to summon an Imperial Star Destroyer.
Enhanced Forces
Type "intensify the forward fire power" to increase the strength of ground forces. Type "the fighters are coming in too fast" to increase the speed of air forces. Type "suddenly silenced" to increase the amount of damage all units can do.
Jedi Boosts
Type "most powerful jedi" to make Jedi units stronger. Type "the force is strong with this one" to increase the turning range of Jedi.
Instant Construction
Type "forcebuild" to instantly complete any partially-built construction projects. Units that a structure was producing will instantly appear as well.
Destroy Enemies
Type "darkside#" and replace the "#" with a number between 1 and 8 to destroy a specific civilization of your choice, where the number corresponds to a player from the Diplomatic menu. Type "tarkin" to destroy all enemies.
Win Mission
Type "skywalker" to instantly win the current mission in a single-player game.