Right-click on the menu icon for "Blip &Blop: Balls of Steel." Click on the "Shortcuts" tab in the menu. Click on the "Destination" line. This will show you where the game files are located. (The default destination is "C:\Program Files\Blip Blop\BlipBlop.exe".)
Add a space in the destination line after the location of the game files. After the space add "/cheat", without the quotes. (The final result, based on the example given above, would be C:\Program Files\Blip Blop\BlipBlop.exe /cheat.)
Click "Apply" at the bottom of the menu to apply your changes. Click on the the menu icon to begin playing the game.
Hit "F1" to get more ammunition for player one. Press "F2" to get more cow bombs for player one. Press "F3" to get more lives for player one.
Press "F5" get more ammo for player two. Press "F6" to get more cow bombs for player two. Press "F7" to get more lives for player two.
Press "F9" to skip a level.