Click "Supplies" from the bottom menu. Click "Growth Hormone," the fourth icon from the left of the top row in the supply shop. Click "Buy" then "Done" to return to your tank.
Move your mouse cursor to the top of the screen and highlight the "Growth Hormone." Click and hold your left mouse button to buck up the hormone. Move your mouse into the tank and release the mouse button to drop the hormone which will cause your fish to grow quickly.
Click on a fish and check the age on the bottom of the screen. If the age is 20 or above you have an adult fish. Drag the fish into the box at the bottom of the screen. Drag another adult fish to the same box to breed the fish. The fish will become pregnant. Repeat with every combination of adult fish to impregnate all of them.
Click "Menu" then "Exit" to leave the game. Click on the clock located on your computer desk top. Change the time on your clock to two hours in the future. Restart the game. All of your fish will have had babies.
Click on the adult fish and move them to the "Sale Tank" on the top right of the screen. Click on the "Sale Tank" to enter the tank.
Drag a fish from the tank into the box on the bottom of the screen. Click "Species." Click the "+" once to increase the price slightly. Repeat with all the fish in the "Sale Tank."
Click "Sell Fish" to go to the store. Wait for all of your fish to sell, netting you the cash for research.
Click the "Supplies" icon. Select "Research Food," "Research Environment" or "Research Advertising." A price for the research will appear. Click "Buy." A progress bar will appear beneath the "Research" icon.
Exit the game. Set your clock ahead two more hours. Return to the game. Your research will be complete. Return to your tank where the baby fish will now be adults.
Repeat the breed, fast forward, sell, research, fast forward process until all of your "Research" has been maxed out. This can be done in under 20 minutes of real time.