Game Play
Typing in the codes on the keyboard will alter the game play. Codes are not case sensitive. Type "LIFEISPASSINGMEBY" to speed up the game clock. Type "ONSPEED" to make game play faster and "BOOOOOORING" to slow down game play.
Certain codes alter the character's driving skills and vehicle appearance. Type "COMEFLYWITHME" for flying cars. Type GRIPISEVERYTHING" for perfect vehicle handling. Type "GREENLIGHT" for all traffic lights to be green. Type "SEAWAYS" for cars to drive and hover over water.
Some cheat codes produce spawned items for the character to use. Type "GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED" or "GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST" to spawn a race car. Type "GETTHEREFAST" to spawn a Sabre Turbo vehicle and "BETTERTHANWALKING" spawns a Cadillac car.