Hobbies And Interests

Metropolismania Bag Cheats

Released in 2002, "Metropolismania" is a city-building game in which you want to grow a town to a particular size and diversify construction into residential, agricultural, and leisure functions. "Metropolismania" is only available for the PlayStation 2. There are several cheats that involve bags in the game, most of which are designed to boost your health points.
  1. Maximize Your Cash and Food

    • Enter one of these two codes to get maximum cash: DE82A1BEC19E7B82 or DE82A1BAC19E7B82. Then, head to the fruit/vegetable stand and buy whatever is first on the list. Keep buying as many as you can carry in a bag ($12 for a four-item bag or $30 for a ten-item bag) and eating them until your health bar returns to "Full Strength."

    Maximize Your Storage Capacity

    • The larger your bag, the more items you'll be able to carry. After you build a department store, you can buy a bag that holds 20 items. This isn't technically a cheat, but it is a way to make traveling around the game easier.

    Action Replay Codes

    • To maximize your money during an action replay, you need different codes. Use either DE82A1BE or C19E7B82. These codes will boost your money to the maximum level.

    Other Cheats

    • The only cheat codes that involve bags are listed in the prior sections. Another way to get your health bar up to "Full Strength" is to go into a savory pancake shop and spend $500 or so on pancakes. That will fill up your bar.

      Another cheat involves the identity of the thief: Hitonami Nekoda. She is hiding in a red studio apartment, and if you give her an earring, she will tell you that the policeman was helping her hide her crimes.

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