Unlockable Characters
Visit the Mos Eisley Cantina and enter a code to change your character to a different "Star Wars" characters. Input "YWM840" to transform into Han Solo. Type "PTR345" to unlock the Storm Trooper. Enter "TTT289" to access an Ewok. To unlock the Imperial Officer, enter "BBV889," or type "HLP221" to unlock Boba Fett. Type "HHY382" to unlock the Emperor. Enter "CVT125" to unlock the Imperial Spy or enter "JAW499" to unlock Jawa.
Unlock Bounty Hunter Missions
In the same cantina, access the shop where players can purchase item upgrades, extra stages and special characters. Using your collected studs, purchase all six of the Bounty Hunter characters -- Dengar, 4LOM, IG-88, Bossk, Greedo and Boba Fett. After purchasing all six characters, approach the door that has Jabba's icon hovering over it. The door will unlock, and the Bounty Hunter missions will become available.
Other Unlockables
Collect 60 gold bricks from the variety of stages to unlock "LEGO City." The special stage is not a part of the "Star Wars" universe. LEGO City is a virtual neighborhood built with LEGO bricks and has no enemies. Players can enter LEGO City to destroy the environment and gather more than 1 million studs. To unlock the Slave1 spaceship, collect all of the mini-kits that are scattered throughout the game's stages.
Unlock Yoda and Anakin Skywalker
Visit the Mos Eisley Cantina. Input the code "SYK967" to unlock a ghost version of Anakin Skywalker. In addition to the code, you must give the Catina 1 million studs. Enter "YOD476" and give 1,200,000 studs to unlock the ghost of Yoda for regular gameplay.
Unlock Old Chracters
To unlock all of the characters from "LEGO Star Wars I," purchase the Use Old Save feature from the Extras page. To use this cheat, you must have a save file from the original "LEGO Star Wars" game saved on your memory card. This cheat allows you to use characters from the first game in any stage.