Acquiring New Tricks
Tricks and commands can be acquired from books, scrolls or as rewards from defeating other Sims in duels. Tricks in scroll form must be purchased from the Barkersville Institute for Higher Training with Simoleons, the currency of the Sims world. If you don't have enough Simoleons to purchase the trick scrolls you want, there is a cheat code you can use to give yourself more Simoleons.
First, travel to your home and enter the following cheat code to spawn the Cheat Gnome: "L1," "L1," "R1," "X," "X," "Up." Now that you have the Cheat Gnome you can enter the Simoleon cheat code: "Up," "Left," "Down," "Right," "R1," "Up." Click on the Cheat Gnome and select the option labeled "Give Sim Simoleons." You can select this option to receive 10,000 Simoleons as many times as you like, although you'll only have to use it four times to purchase all of the trick scrolls.
Praising and Scolding
Your pets will learn their tricks faster if you praise them after they perform a trick correctly and scold them if they fail to perform a trick correctly. The praise and scold expressions can both be accessed from the "Teach" menu. As your pet progresses in knowledge of a trick, it will start to display a gray bulb, meaning that it is only beginning to learn the trick. As the bulb fills up, your pet has a higher chance of performing the trick correctly; once the bulb is completely full, your pet can perform the trick without being commanded to do so. However, should you scold a pet after performing a trick correctly, or reward it for performing a trick incorrectly, you will confuse the pet, which can delay your pet's progress.
Pet Affinity
Pet affinity is a skill that slowly levels up as you train your pets. The more you increase this skill, the more effective your praise and scold expressions become, which, when these expressions are used correctly, will allow you to train your pets much faster. Because this skill increases as you train your pets, you may want to focus on teaching your pets easier tricks at first, until your pet affinity levels up, this will allow you to teach them more advanced tricks at a faster rate.