Cheats to Increase Supplies
To enter cheats, you must open the password menu and enter the code.
Enter “ROBIN HOOD” to attain 1,000 gold pieces.
Receive 1,000 stone by entering “ROCK ON.”
To gain 1,000 food, enter “CHEESE STEAK JIMMYS.”
To gain 1,000 wood, enter the code “LUMBERJACK.”
Miscellaneous Cheats
Gain control over nature, but lose control of your men by entering “NATURAL WONDERS.”
Complete buildings immediately by entering “AEGIS.”
Conquer all enemies by entering “BLACK DEATH.”
Get a VDML by entering “I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD.”
Get rid of the Shadow by entering “POLO.”
Opponent X will die when you enter “TORPEDOx.”
Show the map by entering “MARCO.”
Spawn a Cobra by entering “HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON.”
Spawn a Furious Monkey Boy by entering the code “FURIOUS THE MONKEY BOY.”
The code “WOOF WOOF” will transform birds into super dogs.
To beat yourself, enter “RESIGN” or “WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY.”
To get a Saboteur, enter “TO SMITHEREENS.”
Game Functionality Cheats
Adjust any display issues by entering “MFILL.”
Adjust any sound issues by entering “AWE FREEZES MSYNC.”
Mute ambient sounds by entering “NOTERRAINSOUND.”
Save automatically by entering “AUTOMPSAVE.”
Set the mouse driver to the default setting by entering “NORMALMOUSE.”
Turn game music off by entering “NOMUSIC.”
Turn off FMV by entering “NOSTARTUP.”
Turn off sounds by entering “NORMAL MOUSE.”