Hobbies And Interests

Max Payne 2 PS2 Cheats

"Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne" is an installment in Rockstar Games' "Max Payne" franchise, which features former cop Max Payne as he wages a one-man war against the criminal underworld and corrupt corporations. This third-person shooter game is heavy on action and exploration as you battle your way through immense levels. If you're ever having difficulty with the Playstation 2 version of the game, there are several cheats to help you along your way as well as hints and rewards for your hard work.
  1. Level Select and All Game Modes

    • This cheat allows you to choose any level you wish to play, regardless as to whether or not you've already beaten or accessed that level. It also unlocks several new game modes that can be accessed via the main menu. To activate the code, during game play sequentially press "Square," "Square," "X," "Left," "Right," "Left," "Right," "Square," "Square," "Square," "X," "Left," "Right," "Left," "Right." Do not pause the game and press "Select," which will return you to the main menu. Select the option to start a new game, and every level should be available to play.

    Bonus Game Modes

    • You can unlock extra game modes by beating the game first on the "Detective" difficulty setting. This will unlock the "Hard-Boiled," "New York Minute," and "Dead Man Walking" game modes. Beat the game on the "Hard-Boiled" difficulty setting to unlock an extremely difficult setting, the "Dead on Arrival" mode.

    Alternate Ending

    • Beat the game on "Dead on Arrival" mode, the hardest difficulty setting in the game, to unlock a special alternative ending. "Dead on Arrival" mode can be unlocked by completing the game in "Hard-Boiled" mode, which in turn is unlocked by completing the game on standard "Detective" mode.

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