Extra Movies
Beating the game once on any difficulty gives you access to the following movies: Birth of the Beast, Heroic Possibilities, Monsters of Myth, Visions of Ancient Greece, Credits, Character Graveyard and the other movies you viewed while playing the game.
Extra Modes
Beating the game once on any difficulty will unlock extra modes as well. God Mode will be unlocked, which is a more difficult version of the original game. Additionally, The Challenge of the Gods will be unlocked, which is a series of difficult challenges for Kratos to undertake.
A Secret Revealed
Beating the game on Spartan Mode will unlock an extra movie: "A Secret Revealed."
God Mode rewards
Beating the game on God mode will reward the player with a secret message and an extra movie: "The Fate of The Titan."
Challenge of the Gods reward
Beating the Challenge of the Gods will unlock a variety of extra costumes for Kratos to wear.