Hobbies And Interests

Devil May Cry PS2 Cheats

̶0;Devil May Cry̶1; is an action game that was released for the PlayStation 2 in 2001. It originally started as a sequel to the survival horror ̶0;Resident Evil̶1; series, but the increase emphasis of combat eventually led to it becoming a separate game. The game has no official cheats, but players can make the game much easier by unlocking Easy Automatic mode. Players can also enter cheat codes using an Action Replay disc.
  1. Easy Automatic Mode

    • Unlike most games, ̶0;Devil May Cry̶1; does not initially give the option of selecting any difficulty level, except for ̶0;Normal.̶1; It is very easy to never discover the Easy Automatic difficulty mode. This mode doubles Dante̵7;s Life and Devil Trigger bars. Dante also heals much more quickly on this difficulty level. This makes beating the game very easy, but has the downside of prevent you from unlocking the Hard difficulty level after you first play-through. The secret to unlocking Easy Automatic difficulty is to get yourself killed in Mission 1 to 3.

    Action Replay Codes

    • The Action Replay disc allows players to enter cheats on PlayStation 2 games. Insert the Action Replay disc into the console. When prompted, swap in the ̶0;Devil May Cry̶1; game disc. The Action Replay will automatically bring up the code menu for the game. Select ̶0;Add New Cheat̶1; from the Code menu to add cheats. The first code you should enter is the Master code, which is required for other cheats to work. The Master code is "F0VR-XUUD-CW701-VZUR-01D2-PR2MG-ZQKN-82PK-RCD87."


    • The untouchable Action Replay cheat effectively makes Dante untouchable by enemy attacks. Dante is not actually invincible, but enemy attacks will not be able to touch him. This has the added benefit of preventing enemy attacks from stunning the player. The untouchable code is "JYNG-VP84-K5D3D-2GCB-F6KB-VXUAY-ACU4-0BDH-UPBG0-3RR5-VCDH-FJ0M2."

    Infinite Devil Trigger Gauge

    • Dante̵7;s most powerful attacks in ̶0;Devil May Cry̶1; use up the Devil Trigger gauge displayed on the screen. This cheat gives Dante an infinite Devil Trigger supply, which allows him to use these attacks as often as desired. The code for an infinite Devil Trigger gauge is "10N3-N7Q6-V1V8C-5YUU-CWKV-DPB1A-4B97-X3VB-WBQ0M-PKRH-PTHW-T1QGV."

    Unlock All Difficulty Levels

    • Use the Action Replay to unlock every difficulty level in the game. This includes Legendary Dark Knight and Super Dante which make the game easier by making the player stronger. This avoids the need to play through the game three times to unlock all the difficulty levels. This also eliminates the need to play on the frustratingly difficult Dante Must Die difficulty setting. The code to unlock all difficulty levels is "ZYZE-TXUQ-A9HAU-4A2E-KG3R-YHX94-DBZH-0TBQ-WAU10."

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