Unlock Level Select
According to IGN.com, there are two different ways to unlock the ability to select levels. First, players can collect all 45 license plates hidden throughout the game. However, if players would like this ability right off the bat, they can enter their user name as "shaaark," which will have the same result (don't include the comma or quotes).
Unlock God Mode
To unlock god mode (or, invincibility), players must collect all 50 treasure chests hidden in the game's "Open Ocean" section, which is unlocked after completing the second mission in the game. The Open Ocean is comprised of three different sections (South, East and West), and treasure chests can be collected as players progress through the remaining missions in the game (as each mission will take them deeper into the Open Ocean). There is a user-made treasure map available online, which pinpoints each treasure chest location.
Unlock One Million Points
To have 1,000,000 points automatically at the start of the game, players must enter their name as "blooood" (without the quotes). This cheat is not compatible with the cheat for unlocking level select, as you cannot enter two separate names for the same profile.