Naruto: Ultimate Ninja
"Naruto: Ultimate Ninja" was the first Naruto game to be released for the PS2. The game sold well enough to later be re-released as a PS2 Greatest Hits title. It features a total of 12 playable characters as well as unlockable bonus content.
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2
"Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2" features the same core game-play elements as its predecessor, but contains a total of 30 playable characters and 16 unique stages. The game also includes a number of minigames in addition to over 60 storyline missions.
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3
"Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3" contains over 40 playable characters as well as character customization options. It was the first game in the series to feature original Japanese voice work as an option, and also the first to introduce upgradable character statistics.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4
"Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4" was the first PS2 Naruto game to be based on the "Shippuden" series, the second chapter in the "Naruto" storyline. The game features a total of 52 playable characters from the "Shippuden" series, as well as a new game mode called action game mode.
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles
The "Uzumaki Chronicles" series differs from the "Ultimate Ninja" series in that it has three-dimensional graphics and only one playable character, Naruto himself. "Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles" features an original storyline and a unique character progression model.
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2
"Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2" is similar to the original "Uzumaki Chronicles" but also includes a cooperative multiplayer mode in which a second player can assist with storyline battles. The game features multiple playable characters and a head-to-head battle mode.