Rugrats: Royal Ransom
Based on the popular cartoon series, Rugrats: Royal Ransom is an adventure game released in 2002. The game features Tommy, Chuckie, and many of the other classic TV show characters. The object of the game is to reclaim stolen treasures from the games antagonist, "Angelica". Players are taken through nine environments, which include desert, jungle, western and underwater stages. Each environment presents three to four challenges. The game received mixed reviews. Gamevortex rates it 65/100 while gameranking gave it a 40/100 rating.
Scooby-Doo! First Frights
Scooby-Doo! First Frights is an action/adventure game based on the classic Scooby Doo cartoon series. The game puts players in control of classic Scooby Doo character as they examine clues and solve mysteries. A unique aspect of the game is that all of the characters are in their childhood. For those who want to team up on a mystery, the game offers a "co-op" mode. CheatCodeCentral gave the game a critic score of 3.5 out of 5.
Madagascar is based on the hit Dreamworks animated movie. It is an action/strategy game that exercises the players brain by forcing the him to use each character's unique abilities to solve puzzles to advance. The game features actual scenes and characters from the movie. Players are taken through 11 stages and numerous mini-games. Madagascar received relatively good reviews; NZGamer rated it 8.3 out of 10 while GamingIllustrated gave it a 78 out of 100 rating.
Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey
Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey is an adventure game designed for young girls. The game takes place in an enchanted land ruled by four Disney princesses; Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Jasmine, and Cinderella. The object of the game is to defeat an evil witch and restore order to the princess's enchanted kingdoms. IGN rates the game 3.5 out of 10. Enchanted Journey is rated E for mild cartoon violence.