Unlock the Shellshock exterminator card by obtaining every weapon and omega mod. Note that you do not need to acquire the alpha mods to unlock this exterminator card.
All weapons and mods can be purchased at vending machines, and the vending machines will allow you to purchase more types of weapons and mods as you progress through the game. The weapons you will need to buy include the Scorpion flail, Hunter Mine Launcher, B6-Obliterator, Arbiter, Fusion Rifle, Holoshield Launcher, Mini-Turret Launcher and Harbinger. The upgrades you need to purchase include Napalm, Time Bomb, Freeze, Mini-Bomb, Morph, Brainwash, Acid and Shock.
Unlock the Eviscerator exterminator card by increasing your Nanotech level to 100. This occurs gradually as you acquire nano-orbs from fallen enemies.
Unlock the Reactor exterminator card by acquiring Mega upgrades for all of your weapons.
Before your weapon can reach Mega status, you will need to beat the game once and start a new game in challenge mode, at this point you will be able to purchase the Mega upgrades for your weapons once they have reached level 10. Mega upgrades allow weapons to be upgraded to level 99.
Unlock the Ace Hardlight exterminator card by acquiring 400,000 Dread Points by completing missions for DreadZone.
Unlock the Slugga exterminator card by beating every level on the five star difficulty setting.