Kingdom Hearts
Disney cartoon characters, such as Mickey Mouse, are joined by characters from the popular "Final Fantasy" franchise for an adventure game. "Kingdom Hearts" is one of the most critically acclaimed games for the Playstation 2. It offers a wide-range of character matchups: each character has its own special abilities. Different players can be matched for different strategies. The worlds are large and detailed and take a long time to explore. This game is fun whether you're a seasoned gamer or a new player.
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
A well-made 3-D adventure game that is challenging and fun. Jak is a human protagonist followed by his anthropomorphic friend, Daxter, who is always getting into trouble. Together they roam through large worlds, collect tokens and defeat ancient enemies. This is one of the most popular franchises for the Playstation 2, and the "Precursor Legacy" is one of the most highly-praised games in the series.
Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
Based on the original Indiana Jones films, players control Lego characters through a mix of puzzles, worlds and challenges. Memorable scenes from the Indiana Jones movies are shown and a few have a slight twist on them. The transition between combat and puzzles is seamless and fitting for the title. This game is moderately difficult, so it may not present a great challenge to a seasoned gamer.
We Love Katamari
This is a quirky strategy-game made by the long-time game publishing company Namco. Players roll a ball around worlds and collect items that are added to the ball as it grows. The gameplay is unlike any other video game, which makes for a nice change of pace, especially for gamers who need a break from oft-repeated scenarios and objectives. The real attraction to this video game is the unique art and strange, but addictive, soundtrack.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
This is one of the most popular sports games in the world. The buttons are simple and easy enough for anyone to pick up and play. This game series has been around since 2001, and has a great reputation among sports gamers. Although the controls are easy, the gameplay varies every time, which allows this game to be played over and over again.