Things You'll Need
Place your PS2 game disc label-side down on a clean, flat surface under clear light to help identify scratched areas.
Squeeze a nickel-sized dab of white (not gel) toothpaste onto a cloth--an old T-shirt works well for this. Rub the toothpaste vigorously into the scratched area of the disc.
Continue rubbing toothpaste into the disc until the scratch is barely visible. Dab your cloth with more paste if necessary.
Clean all toothpaste off the disc with water and tissue paper.
Place a small dab of brass cleaner onto a lens cleaning cloth such as used to clean spectacles. Rub this into the scratched disc like before.
Clean the disc by running it under water until all brass cleaner has been washed away.
Place a pea-sized dab of Vaseline on the end of your clean finger and rub into the treated areas. The idea is to rub only enough Vaseline into the disc to fill in the scratches, not to leave excess that could damage your PlayStation's internal mechanisms.
Wipe off any excess Vaseline with light strokes from a tissue. Wipe in straight lines from the center to the edge of the disc, so as not to cause any further scratches that could interfere when the disc is spinning.