Boss Battles
While the majority of Kratos' adventure is a straight shot from point A to point B, you'll need to learn a few tricks if you hope to make it past the tougher bosses. In the battle against the first boss, the Colossus of Rhodes, focus on the giant's hands, hitting them with your Rage of Poseidon magic attack. As soon as the Colossus reels backward from pain, run to the catapult and shoot it. Catching him off guard will allow Kratos to make short work of this possessed wonder of the world.
While the fight with Perseus can seem like a clash of titans, you can shoot this hero back down to a zero fairly simply. Perseus has the ability to make himself nearly invisible, though you can track his movement by looking for his shadow in the water. Hold L1 when he gets near and then follow your block by pressing Circle. This will hit Perseus about 10 times before he has a chance to retaliate. Repeat this move until Perseus pulls out his sword. Move around the stage as Perseus comes at you, attacking only briefly with quick hits. Don't attempt any combos, just hit and run.
In the final fight with Zeus, take him down when you have possession of the Blade of Olympus by pressing L1 and Triangle. This attack will stun the god and allow you to get up close and make short work of him
"God of War II" features several tricky puzzles, two of which are particularly tough. In the Temple of Lahkekis, you'll notice there is a pressure plate and a switch. The switch cannot be flipped unless something is on top of the plate, but you can't be both places at once. Head up the elevator to the room filled with corpses. You'll notice that one is hanging from the rafter. Jump up and attack the corpse to drop him down. Grab him and bring him to the plate. Now hit the switch and move forward.
When you enter the Temple of the Fates, you'll need to ring two bells at the same time to move forward. Since you now have access to the time-slowing amulet, head to the top pedestal and press R1 to activate the bell ringer. Use the amulet, jump to the other bell and press R1. The bells will cause a crack in the face of the room's statue. Head to the center platform and rotate it so the bell ringer is positioned in front of the stature. Hit R1 by the ringer and he'll smash through the statue and you can go on.
Action Replay Codes
If you're having trouble finishing the game on Titan Mode, the hardest difficulty setting, use an Action Replay device and cheat. You can give Kratos invincibility by entering 4J7X-RVAY-U0TWK CFXN-QY20-AFP32 48J8-PEGW-K55N4, or ensure your magic meter never drains by entering NAU9-T001-U0ZHY 0EU9-9HFK-TWJ7Q NF11-MZ3Q-14ZAU. Decimate the forces of Zeus by entering JVBW-BXP5-5YFX0 3804-ME8T-5PN4F P3Z1-R1A7-ZEH9E for a never-ending Rage of the Titans meter.