Acquire the Shellshock Exterminator Card. To get this card, you have to get every weapon and Omega mod in the game. There are ten weapons and eight Omega mods that can be unlocked as you progress through the game.
Collect 100 nanotech bars to obtain the Eviscerator card. Nanotech can be found throughout the game in crates and appears as a glowing sphere.
Get the Reactor card by purchasing the Mega versions of each weapon. To purchase the Mega versions, play the game in Challenge mode. The Mega weapons can be leveled to 99, while the regular weapons can only be leveled to 10.
Earn 400,000 Dread points to receive the Ace Hardlight card. Dread points are acquired by completing Dread Challenges. You can complete the challenges in any order as long as you obtain the required number of points.
Beat every challenge on every planet in Challenge mode while playing on the Exterminator difficulty-level setting to obtain the Slugha card. Exterminator is the highest difficulty level in the game.
Acquire the Gleeman Vox Exterminator card by getting all of the skill points available in the game. There are a total of 165 skill points that you can obtain in the game, with 15 points available in each area.
After you have obtained all of the cards, you will have the ability to play as Ninja Ratchet. He is faster and stronger than regular Ratchet, and fights with a ninja sword instead of his usual wrench.