Beat the story mode of the game to unlock the "dating" mode.
Enter the village in story mode and purchase the Perfume and Pricey Perfume sets from the merchant.
Speak to Hanabi on the roof of Shushuya in the village. Give her the Perfume Set. She will disappear.
Find Hanabi near the flower shop and speak to her again. This will initiate a cut scene and the first date with Hanabi. After the date, she will disappear again.
Go to the Shushuya rooftop again to find Hanabi. Give her the Pricey Perfume Set, and she will again disappear.
Look for Hanabi near the Dumpling Shop and speak to her to take her on a second date. After this second date, she will be available in Vs. Duel mode as a playable character.